Methodological aspects of analyzing and evaluating the performance of a commercial organization

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The paper substantiates the need for analysis and evaluation of the performance of a commercial organization. Based on an integrated approach, a methodology for analyzing and evaluating the performance of a commercial organization was developed, including: assessing and analyzing the dynamics of individual indicators characterizing the result of current, financial and investment activities, as well as their dynamic dependencies; assessment of the prevalence of intensive and extensive factors in the dynamics of the relevant results of the organization; identification of compliance with established normative dynamic relationships between indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the organization and its resources; assessment and analysis of the dynamics of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the studied activities of the organization; assessment and analysis of the influence of factors on the dynamics of the effectiveness of the organization. As a result of testing the methodology in organizations of the Vitebsk region engaged in the production of textiles, food products, computer equipment, the key problems of performance have been identified.


Efficiency of performance, result, added value, consumed resources, applied resources, intensive and extensive factors, dynamic dependencies, results indicators

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IDR: 142224637   |   DOI: 10.24411/2079-7958-2020-13821

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