Physical training technique of late preschool age children having the musculoskeletal apparatus disability with the help of fitness

Бесплатный доступ

Progressive deterioration of health, physical state of preschool age children to which annually points scientific center of health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences causes need of further improvement of the content of preschool physical training both almost healthy and the children having deviations in a state of health. The purpose of the research was to develop and experimentally justify a technique of physical training of late preschool age children having functional musculoskeletal apparatus disability. The experimental technique provided use besides traditional means of physical training the adapted means of fitness taking into account the morphofunction- al features of children. Effectiveness of the developed technique was judged by the dynamics of physical development indicators, the functional state, and physical qualities. For improvement of an assessment of physical qualities development level it was designed scales of a relative assessment of testing results by which integrated and total indicators were determined. Observing of preschool children with disability of the musculoskeletal apparatus showed decrease in frequency of deviations. More expressed positive effect of the correctional technique influence was revealed in the senior group that is confirmed by studying of dynamics of indicators of physical and functional development. Thus, in the course of carrying out pedagogical experiment it was developed and introduced in practice the innovative technique of physical training of the children having functional disability of the musculoskeletal apparatus. Reliable positive changes of a physical state of preschool children are confirmed the efficiency of this technique.


Physical training, late preschool age children, musculoskeletal apparatus disability, correction, fitness, physical development, functional state

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14263926

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