History comprehensive analysis method of the population daily life

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The history of everyday life is a relatively young direction for world historical science and practically new for domestic historiography. Proponents of this trend focus on the everyday practices of behavior of ordinary citizens in a certain historical period. They contrast the history of everyday life with the traditional study of the past, when the central place in the study is not political history, economic structures or sociocultural processes, but the life world of ordinary people. Critics of the history of everyday life often reproach it for the lack of full-fledged methods that could combine the results of research on various topics. While fundamentally agreeing with the arguments of both sides, it should be noted that within the framework of scientific publications based on the methodology of the history of everyday life, significant experience has now been accumulated. At the same time, some authors propose to study stable structures of everyday life; others analyze behavioral and emotional reactions. That is why the diversity of understanding of what everyday life is requires ordering, systematization and the development of a methodology for a comprehensive analysis of the everyday life of the population in its historical perspective. The first part of the article is an attempt to develop an algorithm for such an analysis, which includes both the study of the “structures of everyday life” in the political, economic and sociocultural space, and the actions of ordinary inhabitants in these spaces with their personal perception of the historical reality in which they lived. The second part of the article proposes testing the developed methodology for a comprehensive study of everyday life using materials reflecting the daily life of disabled people during the Patriotic War in the Krasnoyarsk Region of 1941-1945.


History of everyday life, methodology of history, methods of historical research, analysis, structures of everyday life, disabled people of the great patriotic war

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304322

IDR: 140304322   |   DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-1-255-270

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