Methodology for defining an inclusive economy

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The article considers the methods of assessing the inclusiveness of the economy according to international organizations. The Concept of inclusive growth indicators for Asia and the Pacific is considered, which focuses on two final criteria: reducing poverty and inequality. The Organization for Economic cooperation and development (OECD) initiative on inclusive growth highlights the indicators of an inclusive economy: employment, education, poverty, health, and civic engagement. The most universal methodology for evaluating an inclusive economy within the framework of the sustainable development Goals (sdgs) program is highlighted. The methodology for evaluating an inclusive economy according to the sdgs includes: 5 General characteristics, 15 subcategories, and 57 indicators. Five common characteristics of an inclusive economy: equal, collective, growing, sustainable, and stable.


Inclusive economy, green economy, social equality, economic growth

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142222730   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.930

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