Methodology of precision adjustment of satellite antennas

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The article deals withthe problems ofadjustment of satellite antennas. The analysis ofexistingmethods ofpositioningreflectorandfeedin the spaceto get the bestperformanceof radioantennas is given.A block diagramillustrates the process ofadjustmentprecisionsatellite antennas. Forpositioningreflectorin the space the mechanismwith parallel kinematics is used. The features of this mechanism are briefly outlined.The analysis ofthe existingmethodology andmechanismwith parallel kinematics is given. A new method ofprecisionadjustmentsatellite antennasusingCAD system is shown. The analysis of documentation andsoftwaremechanismwith parallel kinematics, which showed that one of the ways to move this mechanism is the use of the space rotation matrices, is carried out. Forthese matricesinCAD systemkinematicmodel of the mechanism with parallel kinematics is developed, and this mechanismworks inconjunction withall the technologicalstand, then standasa modeldesignedin the same system. Further,with the use ofCAD systemsimplemovedesignedkinematic modelsin space,which results in arotation matrix are conducted. Also, when using a kinematic model of the stand in the CAD system the change in positionof the mechanismwith parallel kinematics andreflector, totransferdata to areal technologicalstand is observed. The obtaineddisplacementdata areverifiedanalytically.The results showedthat therotation matrixobtained inCAD system, fully coincide with the rotation matrix obtained by analytical method and can be used to control themechanismwith parallel kinematics in the realtechnological stand.Precisionadjustmenttechniquesatellite antennaspresentedin this papercan not onlycarry outthe movement ofreflectorantenna, but also allows us to estimate the change in itsposition in spacetomoveon a realstand, which in turnminimizes the possibility oferrors on thetechnological stageantenna tuningspaceapparatus.


Satellite antenna, reflector, precision adjustment, rotation matrix, mechanism with parallel kinematics

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IDR: 148177410

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