Methodological guidelines for monitoring of the implementation of demographic and family policies

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Demographic processes management is of low quality at all levels of government. Inadequate information and analytical support contribute to the weakness of state policy on family and population reproduction. Therefore, it is not possible to ensure extended reproduction of the population or support families with the current system of demographic and family measures. One of the most important directions for improving both forms of the state policy is to provide it with necessary information for development and implementation based on monitoring of the decision of federal and regional authorities. The article discusses the principles and approaches to carrying out such monitoring, which should have two main directions. The first is assessment of the quality of the conceptual documents that define the policy framework, which involves considering the goals, objectives, and principles, checking for the absence of contradictions between them and their focusing on solution of the demographic and family problems within the specified time frame. Implementation of the stated theoretical principles and approaches in practice is the second area. It should allow to determine the financial costs of the policy, the forms of assistance provided to families and their contribution to family budget, as well as to compare regions by the amount and forms of assistance provided to the population. This monitoring will help to improve the quality of state management of territories at the federal and regional levels in implementing the demographic and family policies. It will also simplify the decision-making process for the authorities.


Demographic policy, family policy, state policy, policy monitoring, demographic development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143183595   |   DOI: 10.24412/1561-7785-2024-3-4-16

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