Methods of researching factors of innovative activity of enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex

Автор: Nogovitsyna Olga Sergeyevna, Soboleva Olga Nikolaevna

Журнал: Регионология @regionsar

Рубрика: Экономика региона

Статья в выпуске: 4 (89), 2014 года.

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The paper considers the methods of researching factors of innovative activity of enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex with the help of the "SPSS 17.0" and "Minitab.16" software. Major factors influencing innovative activity of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex were revealed exemplified by the Kirov Region. The clustering strategy for increasing innovative activity of agro-industrial enterprises in a region is proposed.

Innovative activity, agricultural sector, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, clustering strategy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147221762

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