Assessment methods of the functional state of the endothelium in patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities: perspectives of treatment

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The concept of endothelial dysfunction as a significant component of the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities is increasingly attracting the attention of phlebologists [1-3]. This review presents the main aspects of the pathogenesis of varicose veins with an assessment of the dynamics of markers of endothelial dysfunction and microcirculation indexes, as well as modern views on the choice of treatment methods. Keywords: varicose veins, vascular endothelium, Laser-Doppler Flowmetry, glucuronyl glucosamine glycan sulfate.

Varicose veins, vascular endothelium, laser-doppler flowmetry, glucuronyl glucosamine glycan sulfate

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140260076   |   DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2021.17.48.028

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