International forum "Altai civilization and related nations of the Altaic language family" (Bishkek, Cholpon-Ata, 20-23 July 2017)

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This article reviews the materials of the international forum «Altai Civilization and Related Peoples of Altaic Language Family» held in Kyrgyzstan from July 20 to July 23, 2017. Having been opened in Bishkek, the forum continued in the city of Cholpon-Ata on Issyk-Kul. It was organized at the initiative of President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev by the fund of historical and cultural legacy of the Kyrgyz people «Muras». Representatives of more than 20 nations from 12 countries took part in the event, including Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and South Korea. Apart from known scientists, historians, archaeologists, ethnographers and linguists, Russia was represented by the heads and authorities from Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and other regions where Altai civilization is actively studied. A. Atambayev offered to build a historical and cultural center «Altai civilization» in collaboration with Russia and countries of the Altaic language family and open the Institute of Altai civilization in Bishkek to coordinate the implementation of a joint research program and favor expansion of scientific, educational and cultural cooperation. The plenary session was followed by workshops in three sections: Modern Altaic studies: methodology, theories and methods; History, Archaeology and Ethnography; Linguistics. The forum discussed results of scientific research and the educational and cultural projects aimed at strengthening humanitarian connections of Eurasian peoples on the basis of the languages of common Altaic origin, ethnogenetic, historical and cultural relations. The article reports on the details of the modern Altaic studies presented in the section of history, archaeology and ethnography. The presentations were devoted to the issues general for Turkic-speaking people, such as military science, ethnogenesis, national peculiarities of different Turkic people, language perspective of modern Altaic studies. The forum resulted in a declaration emphasizing the importance of international cooperation for studying the Altai Civilization, which can be strengthened through the Institute of Altai civilization and issuing a journal on Altaic studies.


Eurasia, kyrgyzstan, altai civilization, international forum

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ID: 147220370
