Great Britain's migration policy in 2010-2015

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The given article touches upon the basic statements of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland migration policy in 2010-2015 as well as the peculiarities of political struggle towards the migrant issues. During 2010-2015 in the UK, as in most European Union countries, the increase in the proportion of immigrants and their descendants in the total population of the country had been recorded; in this aspect, the attention of political and social institutions to this very issue has steadily increased. The UK immigration cluster population in the period analyzed is quite diverse and can be represented by the following groups: people coming from European countries, which have become full-fledged members of the European Union in 2004; foreign students; people fleeing from persecution in their home country; people arriving from outside of the European Union (Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand). In 1997, with the advent of the Labour Party led by Tony Blair to power, net immigration amounted to 107 thousand people a year, and in 2007 the figure was already 330 thousand...


Great britain, general elections, labour party, conservative party, social policy, migration policy, tony blair, gordon brown, david cameron, theresa may, migrants, migration legislation

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