Mammals of Buryatia: taxonomic composition and territorial placement

Автор: Dorzhiev Tsydypzhap Z.

Журнал: Природа Внутренней Азии @nature-inner-asia

Статья в выпуске: 4 (19), 2021 года.

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On the basis of the literature and own data, an updated annotated list of mammals of Buryatia, that registered on the territory of the republic in the last 50 years is given. The species noted before the 70-s of the last century and then disappeared (Lepus europaeus, Nyctereutesprocyonioides, Japanese worm, Procapra gutturosa) were not included in the list. Species from adjacent territories that clearly do not live in the republic are also excluded. The composition of the bat and rodent orders has undergone noticeable changes due to the revision of their taxonomy. As a result, the species composition of mammals in Buryatia increased by more than 10 species compared to previous data. Currently, the theriofauna of the republic has 93 species belonging to 6 orders, 21 families and 57 genera. The order of Eulipotyphla includes 12 species, Chiroptera - 11, Lagomorpha - 5, Rodentia - 35, Carnivora -19 and Artiodactyla -7. The names of the species are given according to new reports, but in order to avoid confusion, the former names are also given. The features of the habitats of all species, the nature of their distribution and biotopic distribution in Buryatia are described. New places of finds of some forms on the territory of the republic have been clarified and indicated. A significant proportion (27%) of species that located on the border of the range in Buryatia is shown. For Chiroptera, the nature of stay and wintering sites are marked.


Mammals, taxonomic composition, habitat, biotopic placement, buryatia, baikal region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148323781   |   DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2021-4-7-44

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