Opinions of social network users on the state and development of Russian universities

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Education is one of the most important areas in the domestic policy of each state. With the introduction of digital technologies into mass practice, citizens have significantly greater opportunities to discuss various aspects of educational policy, and first of all, we are talking about various types of social networks in the Internet space. The article provides an overview of bloggers' opinions based on the example of discussions that unfolded on the Yandex Zen platform on 11 channels, with the largest number of participants on the channel with the starting article entitled "Higher Education in Russia and 3 Reasons Why There is No Point in Getting It." The participants in the discussion raise current issues, including the need to more effectively stimulate the work of the teaching staff, update outdated methods, improve the system of financing universities, etc.). A variety of points of view are expressed, which is to some extent facilitated by the anonymity of the participants in the discussion. Many of the bloggers' opinions, it seems, can be useful for officials whose activities are related to the organization of higher education in Russian universities and institutes.


Russian universities, higher education, yandex zen, discussion, bloggers, state, education

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207537

IDR: 170207537   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-75-81

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