Multilayered site Abakshino on the upstream of river Ilim

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This article devoted to multilayered archaeological site Abakshino located on the left bank of River Chora near the confluence with River Ilim. The site was discovered in 1980 by V. N. Sokolov. During excavation, 7 well stratified layers containing artifacts were delineated. Moreover, one burial containing remains of women and child was excavated on the site. Analysis of grave goods allowed us to determine age of the grave as Early Bronze Age (second half of the II millennia BC). First cultural layer was dated by the period Middle Ages - Early Iron Age on the basis of stratigraphy and analysis of archaeological material. Age of second cultural layer and first horizon of the third cultural layer were identified as Late and Early Bronze Age periods consequently. Second horizon of the third cultural layer, fourth, fifth, and sixth cultural layers were attributed to different stages of Neolithic. Seventh cultural layer did not represent pottery and its age was determined as Final Mesolithic on the basis of stratigraphy. Clear stratification and ample archaeological materials allow us consider archaeological site Abakshino as a perspective site for further archaeological investigation.


Lena-angara plateau, river ilim, burial, middle ages, iron age, bronze, neolithic, final mesolithic, multilayered habitation site abakshino

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IDR: 14737126

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