A model of automated distribution of defenders in group pursuit

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The article discusses a model of a quasi-discrete computer game of group behavior. It consists of pursuers, targets and defenders. In this model independent pursuers are achieving static goals. Several pursuers can achieve one goal at different times. The task of the defenders is to defeat the pursuers. A win for the pursuers can be defined as at least one of the pursuers reaching their goal. A win for the defenders is the defeat of all targets. For defenders, the number of pursuers is not certain. This model has a single pursuer detection environment. A pursuer is considered detected if he enters this area. The assignment of a target defender to a detected pursuer is performed according to several optimization criteria. The defender can be assigned from the estimated time to reach. In one implementation of the model, this is the minimum time from the sample for a given defender. As a variant of the optimization factor, the defender for a pursuer can be selected based on the minimum distance to the pursuer. The paper also considers variants of localization of defenders in one point.


Pursuer, target, defender, pursuit, trajectory, model

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147243262

IDR: 147243262   |   DOI: 10.14529/build240110

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