The meteorological service model of air and space forces using the fractal theory

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Air and space forces of Russia capable of performing a wide range of combat aircraft tasks in various weather conditions. This causes considerable changes in views on the place and role of aviation in military conflicts and on the forms, methods of its combat application and service, including meteorological. The high sensitivity of parameters of functioning of aviation systems weather conditions often leads to the impossibility of use of traditional mathematical methods in building management systems under difficult conditions of weather. Therefore, the paper built the model of meteorological support of aviation systems using the basic elements of the theory of fractals and deterministic chaos theory, which allowed to take into account various combinations of diagnostic and prognostic meteorological methods to support decision making under uncertainty weather information, and perform an extent that there is a chaotic functioning of the system as a whole.


Fractal structure, meteorological uncertainty, deterministic chaos, weather conditions, stability systems, model of control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146115071   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2016-9-3-366-375

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