Risk management model for the development of hazardous man-made processes in the activities of high-tech industries based on the results of control supervisory activities

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The study develops the problem of risk management for the development of hazardous technogenic processes in the activities of high-tech industries based on the results of control (supervisory) measures of regulatory bodies (on the example of control (supervisory) activities in the field of nature management).The purpose of the study is to develop and describe a risk management model for the development of hazardous technogenic processes in the activities of high-tech industries based on the results of control supervisory activities, which corresponds to a number of provisions of a risk-oriented approach in management, both on the part of enterprises and on the part of regulatory authorities. The results of the study in accordance with the set tasks include a developed system of criteria for determining the level of risk in the activities of enterprises (including high-tech ones) based on the results of control (supervisory) activities, which makes it possible to determine the degree of risk in the activities of enterprises in numerical terms, to compare enterprises by the degree of risk. The presented risk map of enterprises based on the risks identified from the results of control (supervisory) activities allows to determine the most significant risks in the enterprise’s activities in order to identify priority areas of management impact. The developed risk management model for the development of hazardous technogenic processes in the activities of high-tech industries based on the formed risk map makes it possible to ensure the prediction of hazardous technogenic processes and carry out targeted control impact in order to minimize them.


Environment, risk-oriented management, high-tech production, control (supervision) activities, technogenic processes, technogenic safety

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328549

IDR: 148328549   |   DOI: 10.37313/1990-5378-2024-26-1-33-45

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