Modeling of ice cover dynamics and GNSS reflectometry in ice condition monitoring

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A thermophysical model is presented for studying the dynamics of ice growth in a freshwater reservoir in the seasonal cycle from freezing to melting. The model is based on the numerical solution of the non-stationary thermal conductivity problem, taking into account meteorological data on air temperature and radiation fluxes, the latent heat of the water-ice phase transition, and the thermophysical properties of water and ice. The thickness and time temperature dependences of the ice cover have been calculated. The possibilities of using the results of modeling the dynamics of ice covers for the development of algorithms for restoring the geometric and strength characteristics of ice according to reflectometry data using signals from navigation satellites in the L1 range are analyzed


Computational modeling, thermal conductivity, ice covers, gnss reflectometry, remote sensing of the earth

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IDR: 146282427

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