Simulation of sample’s concentration dependences of distribution in channels of the microfluidic chip with electrokinetic injection

Автор: Belousov K.I., Evstrapov A.A., Bulyanitsa A.L.

Журнал: Научное приборостроение @nauchnoe-priborostroenie

Рубрика: Микрофлюидика

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.23, 2013 года.

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The article deals with simulation of sample’s electrokinetic injection in separation channel of the microfluidic chip with the double cross injector’s topology, allowing to load the sample in different ways (called as simple "cross", "Z-input", "P-input" [1]). There were used modified Navier—Stokes equation for simulation mass-transfer of buffers and sample, Kirchoff and Ohms laws for calculation of an electric field’s distribution in channels which were solved by finite element method. Herewith the simplified two-dimensional spatial analyte distribution was considered. Analyte was represented as the continuous medium. After modeling there were analyzed the received time and spatial sample’s distributions and estimated the influence of control potentials and width of channels on sample’s dispersion and heterogeneity. By results of the analysis the modes of injection providing the minimal dispersion of analyzed substance were chose.


Injector, electrokinetic injection of sample, mass-transfer, control potential, sample's dispersion, sample's heterogeneity, finite element method

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IDR: 14264896

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