Simulation of transient processes in high-voltage pulses formation circuits

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The article considers the solution to the problem of the presence of high-voltage pulses forming discharge gaps in the circuits. Such circuits are used as the basis of electrohydraulic shock installations, which are used for the preparation of nutrient solutions, wastewater treatment, rock destruction, etc. The presence of forming discharge gaps creates a danger of operation of the installation, which imposes restrictions on the use of this technology. The aim of the work is to study the possibility of pulse formation without the use of forming discharge gaps. As a result of the work, the simulation of circuits without forming discharge gaps using various power sources has been carried out and conclusions have been drawn about the advantages and disadvantages of using certain power sources in the circuit, as well as plans for further research at the experimental facility were reported.


Digital simulation, pulse shaping, electro-hydraulic shock, nutrient solution

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147241377

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