Modeling of socio-political and economic processes in the region: agent-oriented approach

Автор: Lapin Andrei Viktorovich, Ilyichev Mikhail Valeryanovich

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Политические процессы, политические технологии и практики

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2024 года.

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The existing variety of regional and municipal management strategies used complicates the administration of relevant programs and projects and, thereby, reduces the effectiveness of regional and municipal management. In addition, regional and municipal leaders, when choosing the most favorable alternative, have to work with a huge array of economic, social and other information that needs to be evaluated through the prism of behavioral and value attitudes of various social groups of the population, take into account cultural, informational, legal, weather and other factors that hinder or promote regional and municipal development, listen to federal and regional officials, and also take into account the level of competence of those people, which should fulfill the planned decisions, etc. Overcoming these difficulties is possible only by modeling emerging situations in the information space in order to predict possible challenges and threats to the region and the municipality by assess the likely risks and develop appropriate measures aimed at anticipating these risks. A prerequisite for the transition to such modeling is the presence of federal, regional and municipal entities of the future, designed as part of an iterative process by sequentially stitching the goals and objectives of municipal, regional and federal goals and objectives from below - up and then from above - down. The forecast of political, socio-economic and other consequences of controlling influence on regional and municipal systems is carried out using an agent-oriented approach based on the socio-economic digital model of the region/municipality, which allows predicting changes in the state of systems as a whole, taking into account the integral result of actions and interactions of a large number of independent individuals (agents). The article also presents the concept of assessing the level of interrelationships between personal values of the population and regional and municipal socio-economic factors.


Agent-oriented model, image of future, target state of region and municipality, orthonormal basis of personal values, homology of values, method of main components, social contract

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205588   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-3-62-77

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