Updating of official technique of reconstruction of thyroid and all body internal irradiation doses of Russian Federation inhabitants,undergone to radioactive fallout owing to ChNPP accident in 1986.Part2.Estimations of influence of the major factors determining dynamics activities 137Cs in milk and an organism of inhabitants of contaminated territories on autumn-winter 1986 after ChNPP accident

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The major factors determining 137Cs dynamics activities in milk and an organism of inhabitants of the contaminated territories in the autumn-winter 1986 after ChNPP accident are estimated. It is shown, that within the first year after ChNPP accident a root way of 137Cs receipt in grass and milk practically unimportant for internal irradiation doses inhabitants. It is established, that within 155 and 200 days after accident for age 1-2 years and more than 10 years inhabitant's dynamics of 137Cs activity in their body will be determined only by activity 137Cs activity in milk due to superficial pastures grass contamination. At radiometry inhabitants in later times after the stall season beginning a dynamics of in their body will be determined by 137Cs activity in milk due to 137Cs activity first hay crop.


Chnpp accident, contamination, milk and pasturable vegetation, internal irradiation, inhabitants, doses

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170170734

IDR: 170170734

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