Information interchange multiplex channel module
Автор: Shcherbakov S.A., Ignatovskiy V.V., Filonova S. Yu.
Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau
Рубрика: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника
Статья в выпуске: 1 т.16, 2015 года.
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This paper refers to thework with the interface of information interchangemultiplex channeldescribed inGOST R52070-2003 and foreign standard MIL-STD-1553B.In introduction authors discuss the interface of consumers, operating in a system of information exchange, and the actualmodules that function as endpointsin onboard spacecraft equipment. Further attention is given to the module which is actively used nowadays. In the article module’smain disadvantages andproblems of using in the spacecraft equipment are specified, the block diagramof the device is presented. The article also presentsthe currentdevelopmentsassociated with the interchange multiplex interfacemodules andterminal devices that carried out in RPC“Polyus”. Thus, the article presentstwo versions of modules, based on ASICN1582VJ2 andN1582VJ3V. The shortcomings of the module, based on ASICN1582VJ2, are given, further eliminated inthe modulebased on N1582VJ3V. Theirstructural andfunctional diagrams are considered, briefly described the principle of operation of the module based on N1582VJ2, and the functioning of the module based on N1582VJ3V is described in more detail. Timingdiagrams of the exchange module logic and the switchingdiagrams of the parallel interface read and write mode to external devices are shown, and the last aredescribed in detail. A photoof the multiplex channel modulebased on N1582VJ3V is presented. Next,the authorspublish the resultsof testing the developed module based on N1582VJ3V against GOST R52070-2003. Theverification ofcompliance to the logical interface protocol, as well as the electrical parameters of the signals, in particular the input and output, is described. The module response to some commands in the formof diagrams is presented and described. The waveformsof electrical signals are shown, and their detailed characteristicsare collected inthe table. In conclusion, the article gives the tabular comparison of the modulesmentioned earlier.In the end, the authors talk about the possible uses of the module in the onboard equipment of spacecraft.
Interchange multiplex channel, interchange module, remote terminal, command word, response word
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148177398