Modular technology of training technico-tactical skills of student basketball players in streetball

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The popularity of streetball is increasing every day. The game features high speed and a wide variety of attacking and defending actions. A streetball game played on small area places special demands on the technical, tactical, psychological and physical fitness of the players. Players need to have a universal skill set and be ready to act as a playmaker, a striker or a centre. Therefore, for greater efficiency, training and improvement of technical-tactical actions (TTD) is parallel to mastering the technical and tactical interactions. The paper determines semester structure in the annual training of student basketball players. It includes the following mesocycles: retractor, basic, precompetitive, competitive and recovery-support and four-week schedule for training students for competitions, where special attention is paid to improving speed, coordination abilities and tactical interactions. Experimental learning technology allows us to create the conditions for a step-by-step development of autonomous modules, implement interim control coinciding with the completion of each module...


Modular technology, technical and tactical actions, students, streetball, learning and training process, competitive and game activity

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IDR: 14116962

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