Grave 9 (35) from the Chernorechensky cemetery in the Crimea

Автор: Khrapunov I.N., Stoyanova A.A.

Журнал: Краткие сообщения Института археологии @ksia-iaran

Статья в выпуске: 244, 2016 года.

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The paper publishes one of the assemblages from the Chernorechenskycemetery, i.e. grave 9 (35), which is of particular significance for reconstructing historicalprocesses unfolding in the Crimea during the Late Roman period. The Chernorechenskycemetery, one section of which was excavated by V. P. Babenchikov in 1950, with theexcavation results published in 1963, is located in the Crimean South-West not far fromSevastopol (Fig. 1). Grave 9 (35) is noted for its outstanding wealth and a variety offuneral offerings; however, the quality of the first publication leaves much to be desired.This paper has collected all available data on the grave, with the analysis of the burialrite and the grave goods as well as the conclusions on the assemblage chronology and thesocial status of the buried individual provided.


Piedmont crimea, chernorechensky cemetery, late roman period, burialrite, funeral offerings

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IDR: 14328319

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