Milk productivity of cows of black-motley breed leading families in conditions of JSC plemzavod Uchkhoz Iyulskoye IZHGSKHA

Автор: Martynova Ekaterina, Nagornaya Olga

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 8 (21), 2017 года.

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In the article the estimation of the milk production of ancestors of families, the milk yield of cows of families at the average yield of milk per lactation, a comparison of milk productivity of cows of families of different generations. Studies have been conducted in 2017, JSC Uchkhoz Iyulskoye IzhGSKhA of the Udmurt Republic on animals of black-motley breed. In the authors used materials of the zootechnical and pedigree accounting for the period 1990-2016 years. On the basis of old factory collections us formed 10 new factory of the leading families characterized by high milk yield and long term economic use. In the processing of the entered animals having reliable origin. In the study of the genealogical structure of the herd was allocated in General for the history of the stud farm for more than 40 uterine families, currently composed of 5 to 9 generations of descendants and more. Currently, many families have lost their value in the absence of the successor, as many descendants Chicks were sold to other farms or dropped out, or were obtained from cows of the family mostly gobies. Analysis of uterine families in JSC Uchkhoz Iyulskoye IzhGSKhA showed that of the last of the fallopian collections, now preserved 4 of the family, except this family Povyazka selected a new family Dyuana from family Smetana family Smeshinka, and formed 10 new families. Thus, the obtained data indicate the need for targeted work with families in dairy cattle, increasing the breeding stock of the best families in the stud the stud will boost the productivity and efficiency of milk production.


Cows family, generation, milk productivity, progenitor cow

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14111724   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.842966

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