Phytopathological status green plantations of Surgut city

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The article presents data phytopathological monitoring the state of Surgut city green areas at the period of 2011-2015. Observations of the dynamics of infectious diseases of plants during the reporting period showed a highly stable development of fungal infections, their incidence in urban plantings is 5,2-99,7%, the intensity of the plant defeat - 9,2-72,8% (well above the threshold values). The causative agents of diseases of trees and shrubs are higher phytopathogenic fungi Deuteromycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota divisions. The fungus affects the leaves and needles of plants, cause loss of branches and trunks, which leads to disruption of the biochemical and physiological processes in the plant, the loss of their functional and decorative properties, the frequent occupancy stem pests. Of the pathogens necrotic-cancerous diseases wide range of host plants the fungus is Tubercularia vulgaris. In forest stands Surgut it causes necrosis of Pinus sylvestris, Betulaрubescens, B...


Phytopathological state, monitoring, pathogen, plant diseases, harmful

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IDR: 14116970

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