Monitoring of the content of heavy metals and fluorine in the soils of agricultural grounds of the training farm "Minderlinskoye"

Автор: Voloshin E.I., Ivchenko V.K., Pikulin Yu. K.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2020 года.

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The training farm "Minderlinskoye" is located in the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe zone of Central Siberia and specializes in crop and livestock production. The structure of the soil cover is dominated by chernozems and gray forest soils. Soil fertility, gross content, forms and degree of mobility of chemical elements in parent rocks and soils are largely determined by the complexity of the relief and various conditions of soil formation. In the soils of the farm the variation in the content of heavy metals is due to intra-type differences with insignificant inter-type fluctuations and is characterized by the following averaged values (mg / kg): zinc - 41.9-63.3; copper - 14.3-21.7; cobalt - 10.6-13.7; manganese - 396.0-523.0; chromium - 10.7-28.7; nickel - 19.8-29.7; cadmium - 0.06-0.16; lead - 9.5-15.0; mercury - 0.02-0.03; fluorine - 0.8-5.3. Zonal feature of the soils of the farm is the depletion of heavy metals in comparison with other regions of Siberia. The highest concentrations of most heavy metals are observed in leached and ordinary chernozems, and manganese - in gray forest soils. When granulometric composition of the soils becomes heavier, the content of heavy metals and fluorine increases. The training farm’s soils are not contaminated with heavy metals and fluorine; their average content is much lower than the standard norms accepted in Russia. The results of environmental and toxicological monitoring show that in 2018, compared with 2002, there was a slight increase in most heavy metals content in arable soils in 0-20 cm layer. The main reasons are the manifestation of water erosion on sloping lands, the plowing of underlying horizons, characterized by a higher content of toxicants. Low content of heavy metals and fluorine in soils reduces their bioavailability and, as a result, contributes to receiving of environmentally friendly crop products on the farm.


Monitoring, soil, heavy metals, soil making rocks, ecologically friendly production

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IDR: 140250611   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-5-10-16

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