Morphological parameters of cows' blood, immunized with a vaccine against viral pneumoenteritis

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Diseases of young cattle of viral etiology due to death and reduced productivity of animals lead to significant economic losses. One of the most important measures in the fight against viral pneumoenteritis of cattle is specific prevention. Taking into account the epizootic situation in the country for viral diseases of young cattle, an experimental polyvalent vaccine against infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3, respiratory syncytial, rotavirus and coronavirus infection of cattle was developed. The aim of the research was to study the vaccine against viral pneumoenteritis «Bolshevak» on the general condition and morphological parameters of the blood of dry cows. The research was carried out in the laboratory of biotechnology of the Department of research expertise of the Research Institute of PVM and B UO VGAVM, SRDUP «Ulishitsy-Agro» Gorodok district, Vitebsk region. The effect of the vaccine on hematological parameters was evaluated on clinically healthy dry cows of the Belarusian black-and-white breed. To control the condition of the animals, the clinical status was determined daily, blood samples were taken before the experiment, on the 14th, 21st days after the first vaccination and on the 45th day after revaccination. The resulting blood was delivered for examination within 4 hours after sampling. The studies were carried out on an automatic hematology analyzer MEK 6450K (Nihon Kohden, Japan). In stabilized blood samples, the content of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, and the hematocrit value were determined. According to the data obtained, it was found that the vaccine against viral pneumoenteritis «Bolshevak» does not have a negative effect on the general condition of animals, does not cause allergic reactions, abortions; does not have a negative effect on the studied morphological parameters of the body of the immunized animals.


Viral pneumoenteritis, infectious pneumoenteritis, specific prevention, vaccine, immunization, cattle, cows, blood, hematological indicators, morphological indicators

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IDR: 147238686   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2022.4.158

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