Morphometric features of seeds of different spring wheat varieties when using nitrogen fertilizers

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Morphometric features of seedlings of different varieties of spring wheat were studied using types of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and urea). Increasing the yield of grain crops was an urgent task of agricultural production in Siberian conditions. The evaluation of agrobiological germination of seeds of spring wheat varieties, providing high yield in agricultural zone of Krasnoyarsk Region, justified making laboratory experiments. The study revealed the effect of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and urea) on the growth of shoots of seedlings and roots of varietal seeds of spring wheat (Tulunskaya 12, Novosibirsk 15, Saratov 29, Troika, Krasa 2). Differentiated influence of nitrogen fertilizer species during the periods of seed germination and root development at the initial stage of ontogenesis was determined. Using nitrogen fertilizers had a stimulating effect on increasing the length of the main root. The variety Saratovskaya 29 had the greatest length of the main root, where the control gain was 2.4 cm. The smallest variation coefficients, on average for the varieties, were observed with the growth characteristics of seedlings (length of seedlings; length of coleoptile) in variants with ammonium nitrate and urea, and the length of the main root, observed in the background with water, i.e. without fertilizers. When changing the length of the main root of seedlings of spring wheat varieties, the coefficient of variation had greater stability in the variant with ammonium sulfate. Against the background of water (without fertilizers), the highest coefficient of variation was observed on average for the varieties, both for growth characteristics of the seedlings (the length of the seedlings; the length of the coleoptile) and the length of the main root.


Grain crops, spring wheat varieties, nitrogen fertilizers, productivity, seed germination, length of seedlings, coleoptile, main root

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250651   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-6-20-27

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