Motivational foundations of attraction students to additional professional education

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Motivational factors of getting additional Professional education are examined in the article/ it is established that broad motivational aims put up by the sociocultural environment influence greatly on the students' relation to deepening their knowledge. Gender motivational differencies of getting an additional education have been revealed. Moreover, the differencies depending on the speciality received which are grooving from the beginning to the end of the training have been proved too. It should be pointed out that low aspiration to the competence which is typical for the most part of students is one of the main factors lowering the students' interest to the widening of their knowledge. The data received can be the foundation of working out the programme how to monitor the motivation of the professional development, and how to create programmes for its psychological accompaniment.


Additional professional education, motivation, carrier orientation, educational micro-environment

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IDR: 14263526

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