We are going to build our new world (on the 100th anniversary of the civil war end in the Urals)

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The article deals with the problem of violence, which has become one of the main methods for implementing the policy of “war communism” in the regions of the Southern Urals occupied by the RedArmy.Afterhavingoccupiedtheterritory, which formerly wasundertheauthorityof theSiberian Government of A.V. Kolchak, the Soviet authorities had to find methods of solving problems. Almost immediately after establishing their control over the territory, they began complete mobilization of the region`s male population to the Red Army and to the Labor Front. The compulsory requisition of food surplus aiming to provide the army with necessary equipment and clothing became the norm of society life. The population, tormented by the war and the lawless actions of numerous commissioners and detachments responded with resistance including desertion, sabotage, armed uprisings. The authors analyze numerous cases showing unreasonable cruelty of the Bolsheviks when they were conducting the food distribution and persecuting their opponents in 1920-1921.


Civil war, violence, banditry, rebels, food distribution, desertion

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147231657

IDR: 147231657   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh190306

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