Observations of natural phenomena as a method of developing emotional responsibility in senior preschool children

Автор: Karlyukova O.A., Zubareva E.S.

Журнал: Теория и практика современной науки @modern-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 2 (104), 2024 года.

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The article updates the problem associated with the development of emotional responsiveness of children of primary school age through observations of natural phenomena. Currently, there are many studies devoted to the development of emotional responsiveness in preschoolers. For example, research by Yu. V. Akhtyrskaya. M. A. Skachko, N. N. Nekrylova and others. In our work, we consider observations in nature as a method for developing emotional responsiveness in preschoolers. In this vein, we analyzed the work of L. A. Grigorieva, who considers the possibility of developing the emotional responsiveness of preschoolers in the process of forming a caring attitude towards objects of living nature. The modern education system urgently needs to form the emotional responsiveness of the younger generation from an early age in order to impart a moral character to education. Yu. V. Lebedeva formulated her pedagogical model for improving emotional responsiveness in preschool children, which is the stimulation of a sensory response to the phenomena of the surrounding world. According to the author, the components and indicators of emotional responsiveness are: emotional response, value-semantic perception and understanding of the world, the presence of cognitive skills, observation, examination, research and play interaction. Observation of natural phenomena is a means of developing emotional responsiveness in younger schoolchildren, since the integration of the principles of visibility and science in teaching when using observations makes it possible to develop such components of emotional responsiveness as an emotional response to nature and value-semantic perception and understanding of the meaning of natural objects and phenomena for humans. Organizing productive activities based on the results of observation makes it possible to introduce elements of novelty, play, and creative interaction between participants into the process of becoming familiar with nature, which contributes to the development of such components of emotional responsiveness to works of fine art as an understanding of the relationships between attitudes toward nature and the social world and play interaction among children.


Primary schoolchildren, emotional responsiveness, observations of natural phenomena, virtual observation, productive activity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304127

IDR: 140304127

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