National projects and their contribution to national economic security

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Anti-Russian sanctions, which peaked in 2022, have changed the trajectory of Russia's socio-economic development. The sanctions macroshock had a negative impact on ensuring national economic security. A post-shock economic recovery began in 2023, but remains fragile. Threats to the country's economic security remain and their importance has not decreased. In this situation, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures to ensure the economic security of the Russian Federation. The national projects implemented in the country are considered by the authors as a tool not only for strategic socio-economic development, but also for achieving an acceptable level of economic security. The implementation of national projects has a complex impact on the economy and social sphere; this influence is protective and stabilizing in nature in the conditions of turbulence of modern development.


Anti-russian sanctions, national project, sanctions macroshock, socio-economic development, strategic management, economic security

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