Nano modification of polymer binder with the aim of improving the properties of carbon fibre materials

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One of the problems in space engineering is the reduction of masses parts, assemblies and mechanisms as the actual spacecraft, and the means to deliver it to the orbit, i. e. booster. Progressive solution of this problem is the use of so- called net (anisogrid) structures. And currently mesh structure, the material for which is carbon fiber, are widely used in space technology for the manufacture of hollow tubular and conical designs of the spacecraft. The most common method of making carbon mesh designs is the winding of carbon fibers. However, with all the positive qualities of CFRP structures, in connection with the pointedness of their structure, and their effective use is possible only under uniaxial loading when tensile and compressive stresses coincide with the fiber direction. In the case of complex resis- tance or bending when the material occurs in the complex stress state can cause the destruction, as from the action of shear stresses and normal stresses. Strict fiber orientation in one direction leads to anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties of unidirectional composites. When the load applied normal to the direction of the fibers is destroyed by carbon fiber construction practically without preliminary plastic deformation. The problem of improving the mechanical properties of the CFRP materials was successfully solved by introducing in the polymer binder nano- powders of different chemical compounds - a process called nanomodification. And, in this regard, the most effective was the carbon nanopowders, including nanodiamonds.


Space vehicles, weight reduction, nanomodification polymer binder

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IDR: 148177746

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