Directions of increase of efficiency of timber processing in the Komi Republic

Автор: Dmitrieva T.E., Noskov V.A., Shishelov M.A.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Рубрика: Общественные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (20), 2014 года.

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On material of the Komi Republic the positions of estimation and increase of efficient utilization of timber are considered. The key role of innovative factor in development of timber processing and close interrelation of competitiveness, consumer orientation and innovativeness is noted. Parameters of profitability, dynamics and structure of timber processing are presented. Special attention is given to export component and the level of domestic consumption of timber industry products. Comparison of cost indices of the shipped products obtainedfrom processing of 1 m3 of timber in the Republic of Komi and in the Europeancountries with developed timber economy revealed considerable backlog of therepublic. One of the reasons of such situation is the limited nomenclature and rather poor quality of separate kinds of timber products for export. The unsatis-factory consumption level of timber goods in the Republic of Komi that is 5-10 times lower than in foreign countries hampers profitability growth in timberprocessing. Priority directions for increase of competitiveness of timber sector of the Republic of Komi on foreign markets and steady internal demand are thediversification of woodworking and pulp-and-paper production that will requirenew goods and services. In the pulp-and-paper segment improvement of commodity structure is connected with motivation of the manufacturer to import-replacing updating of assortment (typographical paper for high polygraphy, coated paper, etc.), in woodworking - with increase of quality of saw-timber andcapacity expansion of constructional materials with their subsequent use in regional wooden housing construction and furniture manufacture.


Efficiency of woodworking, export and domestic consumption of timber products, wooden housing construction

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14992722

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