The popular movement in England in the reign of Charles II Stuart (1660-1685)

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Article is devoted to studying of people's movements in England during Stuarts’ Restoration, mainly in Charles II's rule (1660-1685). The purpose of this work consists in the analysis of the reasons, identifications of driving forces of performances of a people at large. The author also aims to trace dynamics of development of people's movements. The materials remained in «Calendars of State Papers. Domestic Series», «Journals of House of Lords» of the 17th century, certificates of the Venetian ambassadors, eyewitnesses of the events placed in «Calendars of State Papers and Manuscripts» from archives of Italy and also memoirs literature (J. Evelyn) were sources for the research. The article shows how the social, economic and religious policy which was carried out by Charles II Stuart’s government being equitable to interests of the mighty of this world caused discontent of people at large in England. The reasons of anti-government protests of workers (a lack of means of livelihood, the high prices of provisions, heavy taxes, unemployment, poverty, religious persecutions) are ascertained...


England, xvii век, xviith century, карл ii стюарт, charles ii stuart, peasants, prepalatial, dysentery, popular unrest

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IDR: 14116987

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