The research activities of the department of plant breeding, genetics and physiology of plants in anticipation of the anniversary of the Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

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Subjects: “Creation and seed growing of high-yeld varieties of strong food spring wheat and high-protein winterproof winter triticale resistant to diseases, drought and negative edaphic factors in Western Siberia conditions’’; “Creation and management of seed growing of high-yeld varieties of haricot resistant to biotic and abiotic factors, with high quality of beans, suitable for cultivation in south forest-steppe conditions of Western Siberia’’. The research work on the mentioned subjects on Selection, Genetics and Plant Physiology Chair is carried out within the frame of State program of agriculture development and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, primary products and food in 2010-2014; also in the frame of programs of the Ministry of agriculture and food of Omsk region.


Spring wheat, collection, varieties, selection, haricot, variety testing

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IDR: 142198862

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