Research and educational production center "Integration" as a basis for approving innovative technologies

Автор: Polukhin A.A., Tarakin A.V., Naumkin V.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (81), 2019 года.

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In modern conditions, approbation of innovative technologies in the agrarian university is possible only with scientific support, an evidence base in the practical conditions of an educational-experimental farm. As a hypothesis, the proposition is put forward that the presence of experimental fields at the agrarian university is a limiting factor in the dynamic and effective process of innovative technologies approbation. The object of study was development of a pilot farm, created on the basis of a higher educational institution in the digitalization of agriculture. The article proposes a model for the development of the scientific and educational production center "Integration" - a structural unit of the FSBEI HE Orel State Agrarian University. The main tasks of the pilot farm created on the basis of a higher educational institution are substantiated. The actual subject of scientific research of scientists of the university in the framework of experimental fields is presented. The hypothesis is proved that scientific research and the educational process in agronomy are not possible without presence of an educational institution in the agrarian institution of the agricultural profile, which are both the basis for practical training of students and the territorial basis for scientific research. The interrelation of the educational, scientific and production elements of the activities of an agricultural university is proved, which can be traced throughout the scientific, educational and production process of the experimental farm. The authors proposed the main directions of the development of scientific and educational activities in the framework of production and experimental fields. It is proved that the development of innovation is based on the integration of knowledge gained in the course of research and practical training, as well as on the basis of new technologies. The vectors for the development of a scientific and educational production center as a structural unit of an agricultural university are formulated from the point of view of testing digital, innovative, biologized agricultural production technologies.


Agricultural economics, digitalization, integration of science and education, higher education institution

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147230683   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.6.113

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