Scientific-practical conference with international participation "East Asia: problems of study and conservation of historical and cultural heritage of the region"

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The article reveals the main content of the reports of participants and programmed of events of the scientific-practical conference held in Blagoveshchensk in the 15–19 April 2013. Discussion at the round table meeting on «Preservation of the archaeological heritage in modern Russia» has ended with the instruction of the participants of the conference specialists of the Institute of archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS develop in working order proposals on uniting the efforts of organizations conducting archaeological and security activities on the territory of Siberia and the Far East in the field of security and rescue archeological activity. During travel to China, the participants visited Heyhesky University, Museum of Chinese immigrants in Russia (Heihe), the Museum of Archaeology of Harbin Normal University, the Museum of Archaeology of Heilongjiang (Harbin). The trip to China was a planned format with a discussion of several issues of joint research of archaeological monuments in the valley. Cupid and the need for an agreement on cooperation between Heilongjiang University (Institute of History, Archaeology and Tourism, Heilongjiang Province), the Centre for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the Amur region, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. Following the conference, preparing a collection of articles, which will include as heard in the meetings of the reports and the reports of scientists who were not able to take full-time participation in the conference.


Blagoveshchensk, scientific-practical conference, sections, presentations, visits to museums and educational establishments in the china

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ID: 147220311
