Scientific approaches to the understanding of the rule-of-law state and domestic legal science

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The nature and essence of the rule-of-law state, the difficulties faced by our country in the realisation of the rule-of-law state ideas in the public life of the Russians. Problems of understanding and defining the essence of the rule-of-law state from some other points of view. What is the problem, why do the the domestic theoretical legal scolars write so easily about the rule-of-law state in antiquity, the rule-of-law state under feudalism, the socialist rule-of-law state? All this is happening because in the domestic theoretical legal science has not yet figured out not only with the nature and essence of the rule-of-law state, but also with nature and the essence of all the elements, without which thre simply cannot be holistic rule-of-law state.


Rule-of-law state, constitution, civil society, legal science, institute, modern age

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IDR: 142232615

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