Geopetroleum zoning of lower-middle cambrian kuonamsky formation in Lena-Tungussky petroleum province
Автор: Gorlov D.A., Levshunova S.P., Root D.V., Migurskii S.F.
Журнал: Геология нефти и газа.
Рубрика: Ресурсы и запасы УВ
Статья в выпуске: 6, 2023 года.
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During geological history of the Earth, settings for concentration of abnormally high amount of Organic Matter in marine sediments have repeatedly arisen. These formations often contain shale oil, so the problem of studying them is highly relevant. Great expectations in terms of shale oil and gas resources are currently pinned on rocks sequences of different age. Time of formation of the largest Organic Matter concentrations within the Siberian Platform is the Kuonamsky bituminous argillaceous-siliceous-carbonate formation (end of Early - beginning of Middle Cambrian). The authors discuss materials obtained during the course of studies of Kuonamsky Fm natural exposures in Eastern Siberia, as well as the collected data on geophysical, geochemical, and petrophysical surveys and studies of these deposits. Based on the results of the deposits’ genetic type diagnostics, structural and facies zoning of the area in the zone of Kuonamsky and Inikansky formations occurrence and in its neighbourhood was carried out. This work allowed determining three main structural and facies zones in the deposits under the question, and evaluating natural resource potential in the calculation areas identified for the first time, as well as in geopetroleum regions of the Lena-Tungussky Petroleum Province as a whole. Zones with maximum density of initial resources are delineated; they are recommended for priority geological exploration. Maximum values of resource density are predicted within the Anabarsky, Vilyuisky, and North Aldansky oil and gas bearing areas
Kuonamsky formation, siberian platform, shaly-carbonate bituminous formation, inikansky formation, cambrian, resource assessment, geopetroleum zoning
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 14131520 | DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2023-6-67-79