Breach of duty as a form of corruption in Moscow law of the 16th century

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Introduction: the article attempts to justify the general direction for the qualification of refusals of administrative and judicial officials of the Moscow State of the 16th century to perform their functions. Materials and Methods: the article presents the results of the analysis of complaints on refusal of Moscow and Polish administrative and judicial officials to perform their functions, which made it possible to qualify non-performance of official duties as corruption offences. The study is carried out within the framework of historical materialism, based on a materialist dialectical method, comparative and formal-legal methods. Corruption offences are considered as an act or omission of an official as a representative of the authority, as a result of which the official is pursuing not a public (or state) interest, but a personal interest. The source basis was the act material from Russian-Polish diplomatic relations, as well as internal acts of administration of the Moscow state...


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IDR: 142223025   |   DOI: 10.24420/KUI.2019.41.39.002

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