Neurodynamic approach to the heart rhythm regulating mecanism during the long term adaptation period to different types of professional activity

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Studying neurodynamic structure of EEG of the right hemisphere rhythmocardiogram of 474 testee persons with different combination of intellectual and physical work has shown that people with cortical dominance independently of the type of their activity have developed interactions between guidance loop of the heart rhythm; people with cortical limbic dominance have lower partaking cardio-inhibitor centre in heart rhythm regulating; people with limbic-cortical dominance have not sufficient homeostatic mechanism of intersystem heart rhythm regulation. People of the type II and III have shown dysfunctions of intersystem interactions in 6-10 employment term of brainwork; people of the type II - 11-15 years of physically demanding job, that is related to guidance loop of heart rhythm activation by means of neural and humoral influence in the first case, and deficiency of homeostatic reserves in the second case.


Occupational adaptation, neurodinamic structure of eeg, adaptive flexibility type, heart rhythm, intersystem interactions

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IDR: 14343971

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