Some aspects of the procurement of goods (works, services) for state needs in 2022

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The article considers the main changes in the procedure for procurement by request for quotation in electronic form. The Contract system is an integral part of the mechanism of economic security, and the work on procurement, like any economic activity, is associated with economic risks. The author has highlighted the main problem in the application of the request for quotation by the state customers in 2022, namely the need to use at least two criteria for evaluating applications of participants in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on procurement, while the request for quotation involves the evaluation of participants' applications only the contract price. The author analyzed the features of the implementation of the request for quotation in comparison with the auction in electronic form. Based on the analysis, a forecast of the absence of growth in the share of requests for quotations in the total annual volume of procurement is made.


Public procurement, request for quotations, electronic auction, evaluation of bids

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IDR: 142231303   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2009

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