Some features of phase transformations in iron-carbon system

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The article deals with the detected features of the development of phase transformations in alloys of iron-carbon showing more complex patterns of mechanisms and kinetics of these transitions in comparison with the generally about. We show that formation ferromagnetic phase in eutectoid and even hypereutectoid steel hypothermia at austenite may occur before prior to the actual collapse of the eutectoid by differential scanning calorimetry recorded. We show that this promotes the use of small cooling rate (a few hundredths of a degree a minute) in the temperature range 740-680 ºC, lengthy excerpts in supercritical temperatures, and under thermal cyclic processing in the range of 715- 780 ºC.


The system iron-carbon, ferrite, austenite, cementite, differential scanning calorimetry, magnetic thermo-gravimetric analysis

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IDR: 146114499

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