Some tools and ways of connecting the mating parts of aerospace products

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Almost all products of various branches of industrial production consist of components, some of which are connected in the nodes and the mechanisms through various ways and means. Such connections can be made, both in the mobile and fixed variants, which, in turn, may be made detachable and non-detachable, and used methods and technologies which are chosen depending on the technical capabilities, security, collect the product in operation, cost and other factors. In some cases it is more profitable to collect node/mechanism or product originating from connected via fastener components than manufacturing it from a “solid” material (monolithic bulk material). In the manufacture of complex products, for example, related to aerospace engineering, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of assembly a wide range of technologies of details connection, especially of dissimilar materials, including: cold welding, which is performed without heating the joined parts, a tight coupling occurs as a result of their compression until plastic deformation, friction welding with stirring, mechanical clinching, riveting technology and other, is applied. The article provides the specific examples of the connection parts in the manufacture of products of aerospace industry, such as welding (case aircraft), soldering (combustion chamber), the connection tightness (cylinder head), the connection with bolts (case turbo-pump assembly), pins (blades directing vanes of the fan gas turbine engine) and other.


Aerospace techniques, methods and means of joining parts

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IDR: 148177636

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