Some issues of xerophilous flora adaptation and origin in the Russian Caucasus semi-desert regions

Автор: Magomadova R.S., Taysumov M.A., Abdurzakova A.S., Astamirova M.A., Hasuyeva B.A., Satuyeva L.L., Omarkhadzhiyeva F.S.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Экология

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2013 года.

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The data on the xerophilous flora formation in the Russian Caucasus semi-desert areas, as well as information that the adaptation was developing in several ways: reducing overheating by transpiration; protection from heat damage (leaf downiness, thick cuticle); metabolic process stabilization (more rigid membrane structure, low water content in the cell); high rate of photosynthesis and respiration is given in the article.

Russian caucasus, xerophytes, adaptation, evolution, life forms

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IDR: 14082975

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