Urgent investigative actions: problems of theory and practice

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Introduction: the article considers some problematic issues of the theory and practice of urgent investigative actions, considers different points of view of scientists-processualists on the concept of urgent investigative actions. The urgency of investigative actions is presented in two directions: procedural and criminalistics. The publication investigates in sufficient detail various types of inspections related to urgent investigative actions.Materials and Methods: In the process of preparation of this article Federal Laws and other normative legal acts were used. Materials of dissertation research in the field of criminal procedural law, scientific publications of legal scholars who studied the institute of urgent investigative actions were used. Also materials of judicial and investigative practice were used.In the process of researching the problems of urgent investigative actions, a set of general scientific and private-scientific methods was used, namely: analysis, synthesis and others. Logical and legal methodologies were used.The Results of the Study: in the prepared article the authors emphasise the importance and relevance of the study of the institute of urgent investigative actions. It is noted that to date the institute of urgent investigative actions is still insufficiently formed and requires further research in order to find ways to solve the existing problems in this area.Findings and Conclusions: The solvability of crimes and the quality of criminal investigation is largely dependent on the initial investigative actions, among which the most important are urgent investigative actions, which are the main source of evidence at the initial stage of preliminary investigation. The current state of legal norms of the institute of urgent investigative actions leaves much to be desired, as it is not strictly unambiguous and gives rise to numerous questions, both in science and in practice. The institute under consideration requires its theoretical understanding and legislative addition, as many of its elements at the moment are still insufficiently studied. We have made an attempt to study the institute of urgent investigative actions and proposed ways to solve some problems.


Initial investigative actions, institute of urgent investigative actions, preliminary investigation, body of inquiry, pre-investigation check, initiation of criminal proceedings, types of inspections, examination, appointment and production of forensic examinations


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182328

IDR: 143182328   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.66.79.016

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