Nestorianism: a historic path through four empires

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This article presents an analysis of the historical role of Nestorian Christianity in China. Also, it considers new ar-chaeological and epigraphic materials from the Nestorian burial grounds of the Yuan dynasty (the territory of the modern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region). Despite some interest in spreading the teachings of the “Syrian Church” in Central and East Asia (the most famous example is the famous book “In Search of a Fictional Kingdom” by Gumilev L. N.) Russian science lacks publications related to the tangible Nestorians heritage located in the territo-ry of modern China during its heyday (the Tang and Yuan dynasties). This paper is partially dedicated to partially fill-ing this gap introducing brief data on the Wangmulian, Aolunsumu and Muhuerso-Buerga burial grounds. In addition, the authors paid attention to the interesting set of terms that the Chinese used in relation to the new religion.


Nestorius, nestorianism, eastern roman empire, tang, mongols, great silk road

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147220417   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-4-51-58

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