Modeling cloud computing systems to improve performance
Автор: Kinshinbayev A.K., Abatov N.T.
Журнал: Теория и практика современной науки @modern-j
Рубрика: Основной раздел
Статья в выпуске: 10 (112), 2024 года.
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With the development of information technology, cloud computing has become the basis for providing flexible and scalable computing resources. Modern companies, scientific organizations, and government agencies are increasingly moving to cloud platforms for data processing, information storage, and computing-intensive tasks. However, with the increase in data volume and the number of users, the requirements for the performance and efficiency of cloud systems are increasing. Improper allocation of resources, overloads and uneven use of computing power can lead to a decrease in the quality of service, increased delays and data loss.
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